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Wednesday 16 May 2012

The Perfect Shoe For Spring 2012

I have always had a hard time balancing smart and casual. I either tend to want to wear a suit with dress shoes, or jeans with trainers...only being forced to do the whole in-between as I have to for work. Part of this problem is finding the right shoe to tie together the smart-casual look. That, I think, has been my biggest problem. Suede is usually a good balance as it can be smart, but also casual at the same time. Same thing with the loafer style. It's clean looking, simple and can look great with some smart jeans or nice, dress-casual trousers. But the icing on the cake, for me, in regards to this shoe presented, would have to be the crepe sole. It's texture, color and comfort give it that one-up when it comes to being 'dress casual.' A leather sole on it would make it too dressy looking, a dark rubber sole would be too boring, but the contrasted crepe gives it everything it needs in order to be fun, yet still maintain it's sharp look.

Funny enough, this model is a collaboration between Japanese clothing brand Deluxe, and English shoemakers Loake, a brand that I must say that I have not been too particularly fond of in the past. But these here give me a new respect for Loake and make me want to go search for them, and then buy them, as I believe that would get a lot of use out of me! But I have a feeling that they will be a hard find, which is probably for the best anyway, as I need to save up!

Pictures Courtesy Of: The Shoe Buff


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