While I can't say that I am the biggest fan of heavy country brogue boots, but I have a reader that is facing a dilemma, in what to buy versus what to spend on a pair of brogue boots. Since, I do not wear them nor know of many makes, I thought that I would do this post finding as many as I could, but also leave it up to all of you for any possible recommendations. I think that the criteria is nothing too far over 350 GBP. So I am looking for all of you to leave comments on things that you have found/own that you might be able to post/recommend in the comments section

The reader is currently debating between the two above, which are Trickers (right) and Cheaney (left) but is not completely sold on either one.
I have always like the idea of a brogue boot but have never got into wearing them. This is most likely due to the heavy nature of them and the fact that I am a 5'9", skinny guy, and wearing these with slim jeans just makes me look like a tool. Not to say that I would not wear the pair by Alden, below, which I find very attractive, but then again, they are not so 'country,' they are more like the city brogue boot, being a little bit more slim looking. Even though the one at the very top (which is by Lodger) is quite chunky, I have also been a fan of it, the look of it that is. We actually sell it at Gieves & Hawkes, but I just don't think that it would suit me very much. Nevertheless, I wished that I would look better in a pair of these, as I think that they would make a fantastic shoe to own for English Autumn through Spring. Thanks in advance for any suggestions that you may leave.

Two Above By: Alden

Two Above: Grenson
Two Above: Alfred Sargent
Boots Above: Mark McNairy
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